Automatic Auditing of Program and File Changes on IBM i
Based on the QAUDJRN system journal, iSecurity Change Tracker provides a robust and comprehensive solution that cannot be bypassed. Working in real-time, it can automatically record every revision and collect all information relevant to the modifications made, including object attributes, source code, changes to file structures and more!
Changes in software libraries can adversely affect company business. With the increasing awareness and adherence to industry-wide regulations such as SOX, HIPAA, PCI, auditing and traceability - especially within production libraries - have become issues of major importance.
The procedures needed to trace program objects and file changes require a Change Management Systems (CMS) which is often expensive and complex to implement. As such, a CMS is often not feasible for small and mid-sized enterprises. Large organizations often use a CMS only to record activities and verify their execution in accordance with corporate policies.
- Ensures the auditability and validity of changes within production libraries which cannot be circumvented as may occur when using a CMS
- Very rapid implementation enables organizations to install, configure, implement and quickly benefit
- Full tracking of all change details, including creation, deletion, modifications, etc., ensures total accountability and transparency
- Instant status report generation adds to auditor's productivity and throughput
- Change Tracker is competitively priced.
Key features
- Collects information in real-time, directly from the QAUDJRN, for all changes made to pre-defined libraries.
- Log entries can be classified automatically in accordance with the company's pre-defined applications, projects and tasks; users can override these settings and can also add comments explaining the changes.
- Auditors have access to all the data they require, such as who made changes, why, when and from which IP address.
- Change Tracker can save and display source file changes- when source files are available. Source file changes that are restored retain important information, such as the date of last change.
- Built-in, field-proven report generator and scheduler includes a set of queries tailored to specific auditing needs. Reports can be printed or saved as an HTML, PDF or Excel file which can be e-mailed.
- Activity to disregard feature helps you avoid recording changes that were already logged by an existing CMS, eliminating duplicate processing.